I recently had the privilege to sit and chat with MyNerdyHome, aka Steph, and pester her. " MARVEL & DISNEY are two of the BIGGEST offenders. TEXAS BABY!!! Joined February 2013. . Steph Anie on Twitter: "@disparutoo. 14 Jan 2022RT @mynerdyhome: LIVE Come join myself and a special guest for MAKEUP & MEDIA!! Let's read some good feels stories, watch positive videos, and have a good time!RT @ManAserious: F'NTight. 💟Be such a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes💚Geeks+Gamers Team💚John Bartolo Podcast Team🎤 SaltyCracker Crew🧂YouTube & Twitch Streamer youtube. . @VexElectronica . Well, now he knows he dodged a bullet. @theSheRo1 . See new Tweets. Steph Anie. Entertainment & Recreation TEXAS BABY!!! twitch. @Frens_Kafka. 1 14. 06 Jan 2022See new Tweets. The Little Mermaid China poster. 6K. I simply was giving my opinion of the show that she seemed not to care about. An Interview With MyNerdyHome, AKA Steph #interview #GeeksandGamers #Geeks #Gamers #StarWars #HarryPotter @mynerdyhome @BlabberingC. Conversation. MANDY SUMMERS & MY NERDY HOME @WartTheWizard @mynerdyhome >> LIVE >>. Conversation“@mynerdyhome @Salon @EricDJuly @OG_MaraJade @gospel_tha I'm not sure how Infinite Hope would fit in with trying to say we're all bunch of alt-right nazis lmfao. Ariel is blue. @mynerdyhome Were they not being funded by the government in the first place? I've often wondered how these big companies can afford to continuously piss away their apparent endless pit of funds. 05 Feb 2022RT @Nina7Infinity: Join @JayneTheory @mynerdyhome & I with @ThomasConnorsJr on @Midnights_Edge for #ToxicFemininity So much to talk about at 8EST!RT @FandomCollectiv: NINA INFINITY @Nina7Infinity - FT. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersIn this conversation. ”RT @NewsM101: Hi @TeamYouTube, any idea why my latest upload is not appearing in the VIDEOS tab of my channel. John was one of a kind, a true leader, a giving soul, & an amazing friend. Retweets. “@mynerdyhome I enjoyed it but Ezra Miller was the weakest part. Retweet. @loftiyt adding so much to the conversation 😅 . ” @mynerdyhome. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersThey just false flagged @mynerdyhome for defending me. Show less. This kinda stuff is what's, at worst, utilized to shut down channels - and people walk into it blind or blinded. #BarbieMovie #Barbie defining scene: little girls taking their baby dolls and bashing their heads in on the rocks, while chanting we we are not mothers. It seems more about sex and someone needing a place to crash in the trailer park. ·. 11:08 PM · Jul 13, 2023. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Sign upRT @GNinjuh: #GoodNews #INFINITEHOPE #0100 🥳 Let's Celebrate W/@Nina7Infinity ♾ #NinaInfinity ♾ @BrittanyVenti, #Britler! 🤓 @mynerdyhome 🏠 🍾 @xraygirl. Ezra Miller was incredibly annoying, and I found myself cringing when he was on screen. Conversation. Ownership. He is unmatched in humility, in grace, and in his quest to perfect his craft. “@0iivie @jrvolta @mynerdyhome imagine how cringe it would be if a guy started flexing and doing push ups at work with his muscles budging and his cock outline shaped by a pair of really tight pants. “@HeronOfAlexand1 @mynerdyhome People like him make Femboys look way better 🤣🤣🤣”RT @GNinjuh: #GoodNews #INFINITEHOPE #0100 🥳 Let's Celebrate W/@Nina7Infinity ♾ #NinaInfinity ♾ @BrittanyVenti, #Britler! 🤓 @mynerdyhome 🏠 🍾 @xraygirl. . Better than cable. 5,696 3,352 Steph Anie @mynerdyhome Replying to @LimitedRunGames Congrats! Your company contributed to the bullying, harassment, and firing of a woman based on her personal beliefs. "RT @GeeksGamersCom: NOW LIVE 🔴 Tuesday Nights Main Event @DDayCobra @EricDJuly @KinelRyan @Drunk3po @FearTheBeardo @The_Epic_Mike @danvasc2 @mynerdyhome. whotwi Twitter analysis; Reservations post ; Advanced follow-organize ; Auto Follow and follow-up release ; Keyword Follow ; Followers copyAn Interview With MyNerdyHome, AKA Steph. ·. @mynerdyhome. Steph Anie<style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . Be such a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes #GeeksandGamers Team #SaltyCracker Crew YouTube & Twitch StreamerRIP John Bartolo. They love the genre, and are actually good at what they do, putting story, character first. Democrats are covering for sex traffic. That's how bad this animation is. Likes. Can any of us make sense of this utter MESS of a show???“@RyanR3aP3R @RynoRaging @mynerdyhome @Mrmozza22 @Court1Rhoderick @skirmitar @CMDRPhil @HAmorata @Wicked_Virtue_ @OG_MaraJade @MrGrantGregory @danjam888 @Nagirdnal @ESHAYDireWolf what is this thumbnail hahah!”“@mynerdyhome I think this was a sign he needs a new gf”@mynerdyhome @RekietaMedia @TheLegalMindset Did you hear him talk about Kyle's fitness? He was like I guess Kyle is what you call fit. TD 🌎🌍🌏 on Twitter: "Hey @mynerdyhome go get your man😉" / Twitter. 3. 87. ”RT @GeeksGamersCom: NOW LIVE 🔥 @DDayCobra @Drunk3po @KinelRyan @EricDJuly @LockLoadLatinos @FearTheBeardo @mynerdyhome @JHaleStorm @The_Epic_Mike With Special. RT @mynerdyhome: Looks like @kanyewest is a fan! Hail #FNT @KinelRyan @HAWTToys @Nerdrotics @DDay_Cobra @ComixDivision @ChrissieMayr @mynerdyhome: LIVE on Twitch!! Let's start this #PokemonLegendsArceus game I keep hearing about! 13 Feb 2022RT @mynerdyhome: Here are the Valentines Day cards for #FNT Be sure to give them to someone special this year♥️ #HAILFNT (cont in thread) new Tweets. “@mynerdyhome Hahahaha” A list of @mynerdyhome's photographs and videos. It has been PUBLIC for hours. 04 Aug 2022RT @Philtmnt22: @DDayCobra @kristanovva @thattugglife @mynerdyhome @Chukwu77 @Dan_Vasc @JHaleStorm @EricDJuly are live on @GeeksGamersCom. ”@mynerdyhome @TheQuartering Yeah he did this after the 1st movie. “@theashtonblaise @mynerdyhome @SciFiisHere After that, go to this guy”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He knows that Disney Star Wars is objectively garbage but I guess he puts personal loyalty first. She is 19 followers away from hitting 200 followers. But people are gonna go see it anyway, blinded by furious Batman '89 boners into forking over more money to people who hate them. Don't like the Last Jedi? Think Rose Tico is a bad character? You must be a racist toxic fan and your opinion isn't worth listening to. Steph Anie Halo: MCC Customs/Mods gameplay going down in little less than 30 minutes on “Limiting replies on ALL your posts now huh? Cowards. ” @EricDJuly has created something HUGE! #WeWillWin . ago. RT @RynoRaging: We need to get @mynerdyhome to 1K followers on @Twitch before the end of the year! Please Follow her & share the link! She's fun to hangout with, but plays some meh "games. Survived another… 2:33 PM · Aug 14, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone. “OMG! Now there’s 2 of them!! @KinelRyan @DDay_Cobra” Show featuring Gary Tabach who is in Ukraine. Who is your Twitter twin? 👯 @Nagirdnal = @mynerdyhome Nagirdnal and mynerdyhome are Twitter twins! #twitterTwin #toasteed I. Same energy. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Go see Sound of Freedom. . “Dinner🤍” @mynerdyhome. Show her some love and follow her. Twitter and Instagram: @mynerdyhome. We can’t wait to share them with you all! 🔥🙌” Steph Anie on Twitter: "Dinner. @mynerdyhome and I are back, ladies and gentlemen. @GeeksGamersCom Link will be posted later this week! . ”In this conversation. . you really are the best and I know, I love you. As an adult. 04 Jan 2022RT @mynerdyhome: 藍藍藍No has ever told me that. Sep 10th. " / Twitter. So simple. No true couple would share their partner🙄 ” @mynerdyhome You’re calling for people to donate to the people who called them racists bigots for not supporting their woke entertainment? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Y’all really are disconnected from reality It’s the hypocrisy of it all… 14 Apr 2023 19:52:12. See new Tweets. Barbie - a trans - to openly perform abortions in the film. In this conversation. 23 Jun 2022“@TheCriticalDri2 @mynerdyhome @DDayCobra Next one. 26 Jan 2022RT @mynerdyhome: This is terrible and unacceptable- for ANYONE! But the fact that these people feel so emboldened as to post “assassination coordinates” which would encourage their followers to do god knows what- is outrageous. So simple. 25 Jan 2023 20:17:18RT @DDayCobra: 🏆 Tuesday Night's Main Event 🏆 @KinelRyan @EricDJuly @Nerdrotics @Dan_Vasc @Drunk3po @The_Epic_Mike @LockLoadLatinos @FearTheBeardo @kristanovva @mynerdyhome Special Guest : @gnolan12!RT @mynerdyhome: Good morning☀️ Find your tiny spark today, and keep pushing forward 17 Nov 2021RT @foulballfilm: Thanks to Steph @mynerdyhome for joining The MFer Cocktail Lounge this past friday! That was a lot of fun! Also, to my beautiful, intelligent, and charismatic chat. Can any of us make sense of this utter MESS of a show???@TheJustinProper @mynerdyhome Is he back on twitter yet? 15 Sep 2021WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL- My Nerdy Home My name is Stephanie, and I have been a part of the fandom community ever since I watched my first episode of Batman The Animated Series. . @kristanovva @mynerdyhome @Drunk3po @DDayCobra @KinelRyan @FearTheBeardo @xraygirl_ @Nerdrotics“A FIRST for #FNT A PROPOSAL!!! 💍 ️😭🙏🏼 ️💍 ️😭😭 This was so incredible to watch LIVE! Many blessings and congratulations to Donald and Nicole! ️ ️ ️ ️ @Nerdrotics @DDayCobra @HAWTToys @KinelRyan @DrewHLive @AdamCrigler @xraygirl_ @ChrissieMayr @OMBReviews”Log in. 12K Followers, 464 Following, 320 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from MyNerdyHome (@mynerdyhome)We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersLog in. 20 Nov 202110% Off With Discount Code Coupon Code for My Nerdy Needs. Conversation. 19 Mar 2023 22:31:13 “Let’s be toxic while we call out toxic masculinity 🤦🏻♀️ Okay…” ‼️Tuesday Nights Main Event‼️ @DDayCobra @EricDJuly @Drunk3po @FearTheBeardo @LockLoadLatinos @mynerdyhome @JHaleStorm With special guest @jake_theviking 🔥. But people are informing me that he is trying to explain context to his comments about how children can have sex if they want. ConversationRT @mynerdyhome: LIVE on #Twitch playing #MarioKart Come and join the fun!! 11 Nov 2021“RT @mynerdyhome: Oh hey!! Congrats to @KinelRyan on hitting 40K Subs today!!🎉🎉🎉🎉That’s AMAZING!! Keep up the fantastic work💪🏼🎉🔥🎉🔥🍻🍻 First saw his work a while back when Gavin McInnes interviewed him. Basically, this kid won’t look back on this and think the parents were the issue, they will forever feel that they were the problem. 11 Dec 2021RT @OG_MaraJade: Another chill stream the weekend before Thanksgiving with @mynerdyhome and @BlabberingC. 5% Off Anything Coupon Code for My Nerdy Needs. ”@mynerdyhome At a young age, children haven’t learned how to look outside of themselves when confronting issues. 25 Jan 2022RT @JockNerdy1: @mynerdyhome Steph you are the ultimate promoter and hype lady! And you and @OG_MaraJade are the ultimate Mods everywhere on YouTube!!@mynerdyhome @USArmyesports 18 Jun 2021RT @mynerdyhome: Hi ️ 14 Sep 2021RT @GeeksGamersCom: ‼️NOW LIVE‼️ Tuesday Nights Main Event @DDayCobra @KinelRyan @Drunk3po @EricDJuly @The_Epic_Mike @LockLoadLatinos @JHaleStorm @mynerdyhome. “@CNN” “Women are not like this🤦🏻♀️ The writers of SheHulk have shown that by inserting themselves & their experiences onto the character- they have created the most awful, hypocritical, self absorbed, narcissistic MCU character of all time” In this conversation. Was just waiting for Dr. We are going back to the roots of children’s programs and making shows that are both educational and fun. Disgusting. Steph Anie @mynerdyhome 13 hours ago @GundamIsHere. Period. “@mynerdyhome The trans Community used to be a small community that simply wanted to be left alone. If you have an account I promise you wholesome content in return for your follow. I'm a nobody who just voices my opinion but they have kept others unblocked. Sign up. Retweets. " / Twitter. See new TweetsTUESDAY NIGHT MAIN EVENT is going LIVE from Las Vegas at the @salty_nerd Podcast Studio! @DDayCobra @KinelRyan @Drunk3po @FearTheBeardo @Nerdrotics @kristanovva. Not on Twitter? Sign up, tune into the things you care about, and get updates as they happen. ”Steph Anie. Let's just hang out and have fun 👇🔥. Bias. 7:59 PM · May 21, 2023. 5,696 3,352 Steph Anie @mynerdyhome Replying to @LimitedRunGames Congrats! Your company contributed to the bullying, harassment, and firing of a woman based on her personal beliefs. Retweet. RT @mynerdyhome: Women are not like this🤦🏻♀️ The writers of SheHulk have shown that by inserting themselves & their experiences onto the character- they have created the most awful, hypocritical, self absorbed, narcissistic MCU character of all time . Wanted to make sure it was cool first though, so as not to be creepy. Follow Follow @mynerdyhome Following Following @mynerdyhome Unfollow Unfollow @mynerdyhome Blocked Blocked @mynerdyhome Unblock Unblock @mynerdyhome Pending Pending follow request from @mynerdyhome Cancel Cancel your follow request to @mynerdyhome “The Flash movie RUINED Flashpoint. S: Oooooh. Maybe an AA meeting too. “Thanks, i hate it🤦🏻♀️”Think Before You Sleep on Twitter: "@mynerdyhome Well, now he knows he dodged a bullet. 💟Be such a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes💚Geeks+Gamers Team💚John Bartolo Podcast Team🎤 SaltyCracker Crew🧂YouTube & Twitch Streamer youtube. RT @mynerdyhome: LIVE on #Twitch Come play #MarioKart with me and keep me company! 17 Nov 2021“@mynerdyhome YAY!!! another actor I don't have to watch now. be/i6Z_a3RrEyI via @YouTube. Quote Tweets. TwitterIn this conversation. 07 Sep 2022 20:29:29RT @HAWTToys: NAOMI Season 1 Episode 1 REVIEW featuring @mynerdyhome and @JayneTheory with the back up. ” @EricDJuly has created something HUGE! #WeWillWin . Conversation. com/user/stephcalz…. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Its what gives crappy shows like Velma the attention it needs to keep going” We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ” Wow! Standing alone, silently praying is a necessary arrest. Stephanie is also helps with. Since then, my. Alexa:Because nobody watches entertainment that singles them out and ridicules them. It's free and it will be worth it. . Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users“@RedLightning420 Is this true?! @mynerdyhome @WartTheWizard”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Janet From Another Planet @JanetFromAnoth9. because 2005 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Retweets. Steph Anie. Gaslighting, trying to control someone else's platform, and now false flags. I don't know. TruthHammerOfLiberty • 1 yr. @mynerdyhome 14 Nov 2021@mynerdyhome 19 Jan 2022RT @DDayCobra: . Blabbering Collector: How did you get into Geeks + Gamers? Steph: I found G+G. " / Twitter. I can’t tell you how damaging this can be…臘♂️. Crazy the block me. 7:00 PM · Jul 17, 2023 · 1,238 See new Tweets. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Conversation. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users This 4th of July, it's high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it. Steph's links / @mynerdyhome Steph's links / @mynerdyhome. 1. Twitter12K Followers, 464 Following, 320 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from MyNerdyHome (@mynerdyhome)Steph Anie @mynerdyhome. @mynerdyhome. “Men ️🙏🏼 ”In this conversation. Steph AnieWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5K Likes Who can reply? 12K Followers, 464 Following, 320 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from MyNerdyHome (@mynerdyhome) Steph Anie @mynerdyhome. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersWTF! Rekieta Law's account has been terminated by YouTube!!! This is bullshit“@mynerdyhome Sadly, something we all knew before it even got close to theater release. @mynerdyhome. Michael Keaton…” “The Little Mermaid trailer is already getting ratioed” wanna see how many people end up in rivers when they try this with the Italian Population "Whaddchu jus call me?" Steph Anie. Conversation. 16 Dec 2022 04:14:09The latest Tweets from Webb-shot-1945 (@Shot1945). Views. See new Tweets. 21 Jul 2022RT @mynerdyhome: 2021 was filled with a ton of fun, wonderful memories, hard lessons, so much support, & incredible experiences. Learn more and take action now: benjerrys. “@EricWesselow @mynerdyhome After he saves the day with it. This one was fire for sure. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. “We’re making laws to protect children under 18, and this guy has a serious issue with it🤔” “@Nerdrotics @SciFiisHere @theashtonblaise I plan to🤣” None of these relationships are based on love, or are fulfilong. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersWe would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ariel is blue.